...alebo ako sme si s kamarátmi skúsili techniku 'alla prima' podľa Boba Rossa, ktorý chcel priblížiť maľovanie a radosť z neho úplne každému :) .
...about how we tried the 'alla prima' (wet on wet) technique with Bob Ross, who wanted to make painting and enjoying it possible for everyone :).
5/2019 The Joy of Painting vol. 3
´Bubbling stream´ ...we don´t know where is it coming from...:D
4/2019 The Joy of Painting vol. 2
Pre veľký úspech opakovanie, tentokrát ako 'mounain retreat'.
For the great succes repeat as 'mountain retreat'.
3/2019 The Joy of Painting vol. 1
Premiéra so skvelou partiou v podaní 'quiet mountain river'.
The premiere with great buddies as 'quiet mountain river'.
~We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents~
Bob Ross